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About us

EMFields Ltd is an independent consultancy specialising in assessment of the interaction of electromagnetic fields with people.  Its clients include local communities, major companies, local authorities, the UK Department of Health, Health and Safety Executive and other departments, Fire, Police and Ambulance services, UK & US military establishments and the European Commission.

Its Director is Dr Philip Chadwick CPhys MInstP, Past President of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, a former Consulting Expert of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), Chair for 15 years of CENELEC Technical Committee TC106X (Electromagnetic Fields in the Human Environment; the committee which writes technical assessment standards for equipment that emits electromagnetic fields) and a member of IEC and IEEE technical committees on human exposure to EMF.  He is the author of numerous technical and scientific publications on assessment of occupational exposure to EMF.

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Dr Philip Chadwick, EMFields' Director